Monday 14 November 2011

'Credible & Incredible' Supplier of the Week - Energise Weddings

This week it is our pleasure to introduce a company who's exquisite designs ensured they reached the Semi-Finals of our Wedding Supplier Awards.  The beautiful Energise Weddings...

Where did the company name come from?
Energise started as a complimentary health business.  As well as offering various therapies we make sterling silver and gemstone jewellery.  Not only to they look beautiful these amazing stones are believed to have a positive effect on all sorts of physical, emotional and mental health issues.  We branched out into wedding jewellery and headwear when Sarah's now sister in law asked us to make the jewellery for her bridesmaids.  We have been wedding mad ever since! 

How do you come up with your designs/ what influences you?
Our designs are inspired by our brides.  We take details about their theme, their dress(es) and hairstyle etc and design pieces to compliment.

Often brides come to us with a piece of jewelllery or a tiara that they want to wear and ask us to design something to tie that and their dress together.

We design several pieces for our bespoke clients so that they can pick the one they like most.  Our ready to wear collections are made from these extra designs.

What would you call your ‘style’?
I'd like to think that we do not have a set style and that we can create whatever a bride is looking for - to suit her style.

What is currently your favourite design?
On a recent shopping spree to make a white rose head comb some large white and black flowers caught our eye.  We made a dramatic headband from them which is very different form anything else we have made but is my current favourite piece.

Who inspires you?
With out a doubt our clients!  We love to hear all about their wedding plans and take great pride in creating the perfect jewellery and headwear for them.

If you could design a piece of jewellery for anyone in the world who would it be and what would you create? 
We would both love to design pieces for stage shows - big and extravagant and too OTT for everyday life!

What is your greatest achievement?
We both tend to get totally absorbed in our current designs and always feel that they are our best work. 

If you weren’t doing this job what do you think you would be doing?

We both have jobs in schools alongside our business - something we both enjoy but find very stressful.

How do you spend your time when you are not working?

We both have dogs and enjoy long walks with them and are keen gardeners.  Sue is a mother to a gorgeous 2 year old that takes up lots of her time.  Sarah is a bit of a shop-a-holic. 

Do you have a current special offer for Ice the Cake readers?
Ice the Cake readers can get 10% off our ready to wear collections or bespoke design service - just enter code ITC11 at the checkout or mention Ice the Cake when contacting us.

Sarah & Sue thank you for an insight into your creative world.  We love your harmonious designs xx

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