Tuesday 4 October 2011

'Credible & Incredible' Supplier of the Week - Kate Lewis Design

This weeks 'Credible and Incredible' Supplier is... Kate Lewis Design.  Kate is a semi-finalist in our InCREDIBLE Wedding Supplier of the Year Awards and has been selected for 'Special Recognition' in our Ice the Cake Loves... section on our website which will be launching shortly.

Please tell our readers a bit about you & Kate Lewis Design… 

Hellooooo! I’m Kate from Kate Lewis Design Wedding Stationery. I love anything glittery and I don’t like anything dull. I love dolly mixtures, marshmallows and lemon meringue pie but I don’t like Turkish delight, green beans or twiglets. I love drawing and making things but I don’t like housework! In fact my love of ‘making things’ is really how Kate Lewis Design started! Having made numerous wedding invitations for friends and family over the years, and after doing my own wedding stationery in 2009 I finally realized that maybe I could do something real with it! So Kate Lewis Design Wedding Stationery was born! 

What inspired you to start working for yourself?
Having worked in the commercial world of fashion design for years I was fed up of making the fat cats richer and had been threatening to start my own stationery company for at least 5 years. Then a combination of events which happened in a very short space of time which really started the ball rolling; 1- my old boss (now great friend) up’d sticks and started anew doing something she absolutely loves. 2- I just LOVED making the stationery for my own wedding, and so many people said I should do it for a living. 3- I was made redundant just before we were married and it seemed like the perfect timing, a fresh new start! So that was it and I’ve not looked back since!

How do you come up with your designs/ what influences you?
All sorts of things influence me; friends, family, every day events, new fabrics or sparkly things. I’m very lucky to have the most amazing family and friends who all inspire me in their own little ways. Colours and combinations of colours usually spark off my initial ideas. I also love everyday things – the birds outside my studio window inspired the lovebirds design for example! I have quite a ‘visual’ way of thinking; so I can see a new design in my head instantly which can come from a description of something, a colour combination or just a great picture. Ideas pop into my head all the time so I scribble my sketches down on anything any everything before I forget them! I have been known to wake up in the middle of the night, run into my studio and start sketching new ideas on the back of an invoice – oops!

What would you call your ‘style’?
I think I have a few ‘styles’ from vintage and pretty to sketchy and fun. A lot of people would describe my style as ‘sparkly’! As I love to add glitter or Swarovski crystals whenever I can!

What is currently your favourite design?
My favourite design changes all the time, but right now I’d say it is my Appliqué Cake range. When I design this I made the appliqué by sewing the fabric pieces together to form the bunting & cake and used this as the artwork to print. I love how it shows all the detail of the fabric and stitches and when I add all the sequins & Swarovski crystals it really stands out as something quite different.


Who inspires you?
My parents inspire me – they both work really hard and I think that has certainly influenced a big part of who I am.  My husband is also a huge inspiration to me – he writes music and loves it so much, his enthusiasm is catching!  

If you weren’t doing this job what do you think you would be doing?
Coming from a fashion background I have toyed with the idea of setting up my own wedding dress label. It is still something that is always at the back of my mind! I made my sister wedding dress, it was a challenge to say the least but one I loved doing! I almost made my own wedding dress 3 years ago, but fortunately I found the perfect one so I was off the hook! (I did make the bridesmaids dress though!)

You recently designed Ice the Cakes new ‘Approved’ Logo (Thank you!) Where did your inspiration come from?
I had an image in my mind of an ‘approved’ stamp – but prettier, if that makes sense! It’s hard to explain how I come up with ideas, as they’re already in my head before I’ve had chance to think about it! The Ice the Cake colours work so well together it was easy to make it look pretty.

If you could design stationery for anyone in the world who would it be and why?
Can I be cheeky and have 2 answers? My first would be – my best friend Sarah. I can’t wait for her to get married and we’ve known each other for so long it would be such an honour to make her wedding stationery…….but I know this will actually happen (soon I hope) so I guess it’s a cheat answer! So my second answer would be Kylie! I’m not a huge fan of ‘pop’ music but I have always had a soft spot for Kylie, I adore her elegant style and her costumes are to die for! Ooh can you imagine the sparkle and feathers she would want on her invitations, it would be amazing fun!

How do you spend your time when you are not working?

I’m always working!  I love cooking and baking so when I do get chance I’ll be in the kitchen trying a new recipe. I also love music and as my husband is in a punk band (he writes, sings, plays guitar & produces!) I love to watch him at various gigs with a glass of wine in hand of course! We also love walking and we’re so lucky here in Macclesfield to be surrounded by amazing countryside and forests – a five minute drive and you’re sounded by the great outdoors!

Do you have a current special offer for Ice the Cake readers?
Yes – of course I would like to offer any Ice the Cake readers a whopping 15% off any wedding stationery ordered before the end of 2011.  Just quote ITC15 when you place your order!

A Message from Kate... add your comments
I’d like to say a massive than you to Sue for asking me to be featured – I’m really chuffed.
Also I have a few exciting things coming along in the world of Kate Lewis Design………

…Firstly I’m launching a range of greeting cards which can be personalised and will of course be super sparkly! You can have a sneak preview of a few designs on my blog: http://katelewisdesign.blogspot.com/p/greeting-cards.html
The new website should be ready to launch before Christmas – fingers crossed! But you can already order by email or via facebook.

….Secondly I will be adding a new section to my Wedding website which will be a more ‘cost conscious’ way to get your wedding stationery – I am very excited about this so watch this space!!!

Website: http://katelewisdesign.co.uk/home.php
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/katelewisdesign

Ice the Cake would like to thank Kate for the great job she did on our new blog logo.

Definitely deserving of recognition of being both 'Credible and Incredible'. xx

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