Monday 16 April 2012

A Week in the Life of... Sam Osborne Illustrations - Day One

This week's 'A Week in the Life of...' follows the fabulous stationery designer Sam Osborne.  Sam joined Ice the Cake last year and we were immediately excited to be working with her.  Since becoming a member we were delighted to see one of her products appear in LOOK Magazine and one of her prints also appeared in our Valentines Video that you can still watch on You Tube.  Sam's style focus' on typographic images and we love the simplicity and impact her designs offer to anyone looking for handmade, unique Wedding Stationery.  Introducing Sam Osborne...
Who is Sam Osborne Illustrations?
I'm Sam and I've been running my own business for a little over a year now doing a variety of design work, selling my designing as prints and gifts and creating bespoke and ready-to-go wedding stationery.

How do you come up with your designs/ what influences you?
I am influenced by a lot of styles including mid-century modern, vintage and pop art and keep an eye on places like pinterest to see what the latest trends in design and weddings are, but I am keen to bring fresh thinking to my designs so I try to look outside the world of weddings to a lot of my influences.

What would you call your ‘style’?
I call myself a brightly-coloured designer nerd and so a lot of my work features bright and interesting colour combos but I try not to have a set style - my work is more about getting to know what my clients want than about any 'style' that I might have. My bespoke wedding design service allows clients to work with me to create something truly unique to them and their day and with my ready to go ranges I've tried very hard to bring something a little different to the world of wedding stationery, providing fun and distinctive designs for those looking for something a little different

What is currently your favourite design?
I've just launched three new ready to go designs and so it would have to be one of these, probably the modern wedding range. It's bright, colourful, optimistic and would sit just as well in a relaxed picnic style wedding as it would for a traditional ceremony - it just makes me smile and I loved designing it. - We will be featuring this range tomorrow!

Who inspires you?
I work a lot with women running their own businesses, both in the wedding industry and outside and their stories and energy are always so inspiring. In terms of my design work then heroes like Wayne Hemmingway and Alan Fletcher have always inspired me as well as people like
Dana Tanamachi (amazing chalkboard typography), Leah Duncan and Mary Portas.

What is your greatest achievement?
Running my own business, although it's often hard, involves long hours and a degree of uncertainty I absolutely love it and being able to make a difference to someone's big day through my design work is a true pleasure. I love getting to know my clients and seeing them shape their perfect day.

If you weren’t doing this job what do you think you would be doing?
The only other option I considered was medicine and I often think I would have enjoyed being a GP! But art and design won out and I'm pretty glad it did.

How do you spend your time when you are not working?
I love what I do for a living and it is such a huge part of my life that I am rarely not doing it.  However I do occasionally put down the pencils and shut the computer off to watch a movie, go for a run,  visit an art gallery or go and see a gig – the louder and more guitary the better. I try to get to a couple of rugby matches and some motorsport over the course of the year and rarely say no to a night out or a cheeky evening in the pub.

Do you have a current special offer for Ice the Cake readers?
For the rest of April Ice The Cake readers can get 20% of my wedding items (or any other items in my shop like prints, cards, bags, tea towels and bookmarks) by using code IceTheCake at checkout.

A Message from Sam...
I'd like to say a huge thank you to Ice The Cake for featuring me on their wonderful blog this week. I hope you enjoying seeing more of my wedding stationery - I've picked my favourites to share with you and if you have any questions please get in touch.

Tomorrow we introduce to Sam's fabulous 'Modern Patterns' we love how vibrant they are... 

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