Thursday 5 July 2012

Where it all began - White Satin Weddings - Day 4

Guest Blogger - White Satin Weddings

The opportunity to create White Satin came when I had my little girl. Not really wanting to put my daughter in full time childcare, I decided to take early redundancy after 7 years working in Finance. During my pregnancy and on my maternity leave I used to think about what inspired me, what I was passionate about, and things I always talked about or had a great love for, and it always came back to weddings.  After planning my own wedding and friends weddings, I had thought that this was something I’d like to do full time, but the opportunity never arrived, until now.
Photography Credit: Binky Nixon
Deciding to start up a wedding planning business at this period in time wasn’t easy but has both advantages and disadvantages.  The disadvantages being that everyone has had to tightened their purse strings, and are having to use friends and family who don’t have the expertise, to help out more with things like creating invitations and the cake etc. 

The advantages are that wedding planning services such as White Satin are there for every couple and determined to use skilled and professional suppliers, whilst keeping cost as low as possible.
Photography Credit Binky Nixon
White Satin finally launched in February 2011 with the aim to help create the dream wedding for all of our clients, whilst always being personal, professional and offering peace of mind throughout...

Where did the business name come from? I wanted a name that was wedding related but not to obvious or too clich'e. I came up with 5 name but all of the domains had been taken. I then decided to choose the colour white, and satin came to me straight away

How do you come up with your inspiration - what influences you? I love to work with young suppliers they are so creative and I get most of my inspiration from photographers. My ideas start off with me using things like Pinterest to Google and looking through big department stores at the colours or designs that they're displaying and then from there i put ideas together.

What would you call your ‘style’? Funky, fun, fresh and individual

What is currently your favourite theme? I'm not really into themes, i prefer individuality but i do love it when a couple has an idea that they want to use and they're not scared to go with it and be a bit daring at times.

If you could plan a wedding  for anyone in the world who would it be and what would you do? Oh my god Grace Jones! After watching her at the Jubilee concert wow she is amazing. She would be a total nightmare to work with but a challenge that would be. Her style is so crazy and she'd probably want hula hoops involved somehow ha ha...!

If you weren’t doing this job what do you think you would be doing? I would definitely be back working in finance as I worked really hard and studied for a long time.

Special Offer:  20% off any service recommended for Ice the Cake readers

Contact Danni at White Satin Weddings:
Mobile: 07514 188598

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